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Early poll results

Already responses are flowing in from the poll recently created to help us find what you wan to read about on this site.

We’re interested in all your responses so if you haven’t taken the poll, please do so and help us create a blog that meets your needs. To those who have responded so far a HUGE thank you. Feedback makes our job so much easier.

So far, we’re reading you loud and clear. What we hear is that you want currency; in reviews, in topics you might miss otherwise but may be interested in. You want your data up to date and unbiased. Is this correct?

We also hear that you don’t want boring repetition either of information rehashed from other sites, or within this site, themes repeated over and over again. How are we doing? Are we getting your messages clearly?

Some of you have expressed an interest in us profiling upcoming photographers from different genres and some have even volunteered to be our guinea pigs. Thank you. We will be in touch. 🙂

These are all good ideas and we will incorporate them into our mantra. We want this site to promote a community of shared information that can benefit everyone and that can only happen if this site is a two-way street.

If you would like to leave a comment for discussion or inclusion in how we approach topics, please use the contact form to let us know. We’re a lot like you, keen and passionate about photography, but it’s such a wide open field that sometimes we might need gentle steering in the direction you want us to take, and believe it or not, we’re not mind readers, so unless you tell us, we may not know what’s upper most in your mind.

One other thing. None of the group currently writing on this site are professional reviewers but we’re learning as we go. To be fair, art in general, including photography, is a very personal experience and, what’s that saying; one man’s junk is another man’s treasure? We’d love to encourage everyone to either start, or to continue, if they’re already in the habit ,of appreciating other people work through unbiased eyes.

If you know of an exhibition happening somewhere around Sydney (anywhere in Sydney, including greater Sydney) and you would like to write a review for it please let us know in advance. We would love for you to share your impressions. We’ll have a few rules and we can cover them in another place but we want you to take an interest in what’s being posted on this site and we believe that will happen if you’re not just listening to us, but working with us. Funny eh? Talking about ‘listening’ when we’re really reading and writing. That just shows how far blogging has come of age.

What do you think of this idea? If you’re interested in writing a review for something you’ve just seen or are about to see, let us know. If you’re unsure of what to say or how to write it let us know and we can help you. We will also put up a guide to writing art exhibition reviews with some simple guidelines for you to follow if you need it.

The important thing to remember is to speak up if you have a specific interest, and you want, it premiered on this site.

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